
dreamsLearn about dream studies, dream interpretation, dream symbols, the dream master and soul travel.

"Dreams are a starting point for many who wish to begin the spiritual journey to God and do it in the easiest possible way. Dreams taught me to face myself, let me see the future, and took me to the heavens of God." --Harold Klemp, Spiritual leader of Eckankar

Amazing Dream Interpretation Guide Book

"Dreams serve as a communication line between the invisible and visible worlds. Or, if you prefer, between heaven and earth....A dream is a real-life experience an individual has on another plane of God....We, in our true nature as Soul, are able to have experiences in a far-reaching panorama of life."
--Harold Klemp

Anyone is able to recognize the love of the Creative Consciousness, present in every being, regardless of how they practice their faith. This site is also for those who are searching for understanding in their lives.

Most important, the links and information here may inspire you to search for your own truths, and there are as many paths to this place as there are people. As we are all unique and no one is the same, we are all entitled to our own truth.

Again we want to encourage you to go and look for what is right for you. Don't be afraid to try out different things, make new experiences, be adventures in your search for inner truth. Looking beyond the countless theosophical interpretations that exist today, to that place within our collective consciousness that transcends these differences... that place where each individual connects to The One.

"I love you my brothers and sisters,
wherever you are.
Whether you kneel in your church
worship in your Synagogue
or pray in your mosque...
I love you whoever you are,
you and I are all children of one faith,
for the diverse paths of religion
are the fingers or the loving hand
of one Supreme Being,
a hand extended to all."
- Kahlil Gibran