What is Su-Jok Acupuncture?

Su Jok acupunctureKorean Su Jok Hand & Foot AcupunctureSu-Jok hand and foot acupuncture therapy.

Acupuncture has been practiced in ancient China, Korea, Sri Lanka, and other Asian countries for about 3,000 years as a traditional form of medicine. Its efficacy in the management of severe chronic pain in all its forms -- including what is called "intractable pain" -- is well acknowledged.

After many years of careful observation and clinical experience, Prof. Dr. Park, Jae Woo of Korea developed a new system of acupuncture using only the hands and feet to effect the same results as body acupuncture. The advantage of this system is its simplicity, safety and efficiency. It is easy to learn and the speed of response is often dramatic. It employs no forbidden or dangerous points, and is therefore suitable for use by paramedics and lay persons for self-treatment.

Su Jok Acupuncture, is still acupuncture

Acupuncture consists of inserting a very fine needle at specific points in the skin. Recently other means of stimulating these acupuncture points have evolved, such as laser, electric stimulation, seeds, finger pressure, and so forth. These points are sited near nerve endings which when stimulated transmit electrical impulses via the spinal cord and the brain to the diseased area.

The central nervous system controls most processes in the body. Modern research has also shown that the stimulation of certain acupuncture points produces the release of chemical substances from the central nervous and endocrine systems. some of these substances such as encephacins and endorphins are 5,000 to 50,000 times more powerful than morphine. They are produced naturally by the human body as a mechanism to control pain.

Acupuncture enhances these natural physiological tendencies to control pain, and to do so more effectively. The fact of its widespread use today attests to its validity as an effective form of treatment in a variety of disorders. It is taught in many universities throughout the world and practiced widely in many modern medical centers as an adjunct to western methods of treatment.

It is often used where western medicine meets its limits: in the treatment of various forms of paralysis and drug-addictions, among others.

The Development of Su Jok Acupuncture

In Korean, su jok means "hand and foot." In addition to serving their normal function as appendages of the four limbs, the hands and feet themselves represent a small mirror image of the anatomy of the human body as a whole. Hands and feet are endowed with an exquisite "remote control" function which can be employed to cure diseases throughout the entire body.

When the body is in motion, a natural stimulation of this structure takes place by friction and contact with the ground or other objects. Su Jok Acupuncture is a general term describing this new system for the treatment of disease, comprised of stimulating only the hands and feet with various medical instruments, such as needles, moxa, stimulators, seeds, laser, and finger pressure, in order to effect a cure.

The micro-systems in the hands and feet can be easily used to treat any diseased area or organ in the body. The correspondence reaction points are the treatment points. Among miniature correspondence treatment systems, the hand is the most similar part to the whole body in its structural shape. On the other hand, the most powerful and effective miniature body correspondence system is found in the foot. Since the hand is Yang and the foot is Yin, using hand and foot makes it possible to treat in harmony with Yin and Yang.

This correspondence system opens new understandings and methods to care for human health in general as well as to prevent and cure specific diseases. Knowledge of the principles of this "remote control system" and their implementation through hand and foot acupuncture provides an impressive vehicle for health care.

A Two-Dimensional System of Treatment

Su Jok Acupuncture is a two-dimensional system. The first dimension is physical treatment to give simple stimuli to the points in the hands or feet corresponding to the affected body parts, thereby effecting a cure. This type of therapy is popular for its simplicity -- the practitioner need only master the correspondence system; its ease of application; and its dramatic results in many diseases.

In the hands and feet there exist respective independent structures of body correspondence, each with several dimensions. The stimulation of the corresponding parts of the hands or feet will clear the affected area of the body. Su Jok Acupuncture utilizes several correspondence systems. The Primary Correspondence system, which ascribes the head to the thumb, is considered the major avenue of treatment. The Secondary Correspondence System or Partial Correspondence System is viewed in a complementary role.

The second dimension of Su Jok Acupuncture treatment draws on classical acupuncture. The classical 12 Main Meridians, the eight Extra Meridians, and their attendant points are represented on the hands and feet in Byol Meaks (Meridians) and Byol Points. This form of treatment applies the experience and theories of classical acupuncture in combination with the new theories of Su Jok Acupuncture, such as Ten Celestial Stem Constitutions, Six Ki Constitutions, Ten Emotional Constitutions, Ten Reason Constitutions, and their treatment formulae using the Byol Meaks and Byol Points.

These two curing systems, when independently used, are effective in treating all varieties of disease. However, the mixture of the two systems, in accordance with the situation, will produce the most rapid cure.

Response to Treatment

It is very difficult at the outset to predict an exact expected length of treatment. Many cases have responded with one session, while others have required lengthy daily treatment.

As a rule, the longer the duration of the disease, the longer the treatment will need to achieve satisfactory results. In Su Jok Acupuncture, response to treatment is usually immediate. Individual sessions are often of short duration and the overall number of sessions are few. Some chronic disorders will need spaced maintenance treatment at six to eight week intervals.

Su Jok Acupuncture as Preventive Medicine

This aspect of acupuncture is in many ways more important than the treatment of an already ill patient. Su Jok Acupuncture has its own merits to meet the purpose of preventive medicine. Stimulating the corresponding pain points in hands and feet by inserting needles, and also by finger pressure or stimulators, shows excellent results.

Everyone who learns this simple theory of Hand and Foot-Body correspondence as an independent miniature treatment system can use its principles for the purpose of preventive medicine. As long as hands and feet are stimulated properly on a regular basis, many diseases can be prevented. This can be done by oneself.

The Scope of Su Jok Acupuncture

Su Jok Acupuncture is a complete system of medicine with a range of applications as wide as that of western medicine. A doctor who combines western scientific medicine with acupuncture can therefore select the most appropriate treatment in any particular case, and will be able to treat a wide variety of diseases, including many psychological conditions, in the most effective way possible.

Some of the more common disorders frequently treated with acupuncture include: headaches and epilepsy; disorders of the limbs and musculature, such as fibrositis, rheumatism, lumbago and muscle cramps; digestive disorders, such as nausea, constipation, diarrhea; hepatitis; cardiovascular disorders; genitourinary and gynecological disorders, and sexual dysfunction; disorders of the eyes, ears, nose and throat; skin disorders; nervous system and psychiatric disorders; obesity; addiction to alcohol, nicotine and heroin.

AIDS is currently being managed in many clinics abroad with acupuncture and homeopuncture. In particular, the Six Ki (Energy ) theory of Su Jok Acupuncture is expected to have an effect on this disease. Su Jok Acupuncture is also useful in the management of cancer and other malignant disorders, particularly in treating the pain of all kinds of cancer.

Various forms of psychological upsets, such as anger, fear and worry, are all too familiar, and seem to be accepted by many as an integral and unavoidable part of daily life. Concern about this situation is often limited to instances in which emotional disturbances become severe enough to significantly disrupt daily life and cause noticeable anxiety, depression and psychosis -- that is, when one is unable to "cope" with the strains.

The Su Jok Acupuncture diagnosis and treatment provides a unique approach to emotional and mental disturbances at many levels of severity. It is especially effective when applied in the early stages of a disturbance, before the cascade of events becomes overwhelming. This is achieved by applying the understanding of "The Ten Emotional Constitutions" and its treatment formulae, theories unique to Su Jok Acupuncture.

Su Jok Acupuncture as Primary Health Care

Due to its safety and efficiency, Su Jok Acupuncture lends itself easily to the field of primary health care, particularly in remote areas where comprehensive medical services are unavailable.

Nurses or paramedics can easily learn the correspondence system of hand and foot, and apply it without any risk of side effects. The use of Su Jok Acupuncture in primary community health care can, at the minimum, provide a form of first aid, and in many instances may be all that is required for patient care.

In developing countries where villagers and poor people are unable to afford treatment with costly medicines, sophisticated equipment and highly trained medical practitioners, Su Jok Acupuncture offers one of the best, most affordable and effective solutions.