Chakra Essences

chakra essencesChakra Flower essences for balancing chakras, healing meditation and colour chart to invigorate your vital life energy!

The Chakra Flower Essences are to help invigorate your vital life energy, so as to align a particular Chakra. There are Seven Main Chakras, which are part of the Subtle Body, & they work together to help to maintain the Body, Mind, Spirit, and Soul in a harmonious state. The Seven main Chakras each have Seven Main Levels of Subtle Energy and each of these Seven Levels work as one.

Chakra Essences

Information given by Margo Spencer from the Tao Shen Ming Academy of Sacred Sciences.

Chakra Essences work in many ways and all of these ways are positive.
One way in which these Vibrational Essences work is that the person may feel stronger and have a sense that they are not reacting in the usual ways and feel or sense a response rather than a reaction.chakra foot reflexology

Another way is that the person may experience some negative emotions that have been buried deep for some time, somewhere in their unconscious or subconscious. This is also a positive sign that the Chakra Essence is cutting through and exposing some density, that has blocked the flow of a particular Chakra area.

The Chakra Essences have a very LIGHT Vibration.

Chakra Self-Reflection

Chakra Self-Reflection will help you to work with your Vibrational Essences and assist you in recognizing any negative thoughts that have obstructed the inflow of Light through a particular Chakra or Chakras.

Chakra Energy can become in a state of disharmony through negative thoughts. Negative life situations arrive through negative thoughts. The thoughts arise from a heart level. The Chakra Essences assist us to change negative thought patterns. It is best to work consciously with the Chakra Essences, by doing what is called Chakra Self-Reflection. If we do not work consciously with the Chakra Essences we may notice that we experience some negative emotions and not understand why.

chakraA negative emotion or attitude may arise whilst taking a Chakra Essence, that maybe you have not felt for along time, or maybe not felt before at all. This is a good thing, because Negative emotions do not go away, they lie dormant and waiting to erupt at some time. The Chakra Essences can ripen the time for this eruption. This is not negative in itself; it can be a positive sign that the Chakra Essences are working.

All in all, the Chakra Essences work in a positive way to assist in clearing negative influences that have created obstruction to the flow of Chakra Energy to a particular area. There is a positive work you can do to enhance this Vital Flow of Chakra Energy and this is called Self-Reflection. Self-Reflection is a Self-Checking gauge to help you to know that you are moving and clearing what has to be cleared in order to re-establish the harmonious flow of Chakra Qi or Energy.

Chakra Flower Essences Chakra meditation

1st Chakra MULADHARA

The Base Chakra “I am the Foundation”

To help grounding and to assist with learning difficulties. May assist in problems relating to reproductive organs and genitals.

“I am grounded, safe & secure”
“Sex is a pure and pleasurable experience for me”
“I am successful”


The Sacral Chakra “I Create and Relate”

Helps to connect with ones sexuality. May assist in problems relating to the Adrenal glands, Colon, Kidney and Ovaries

“I am in the right relationship at the right time, in the right place with the right person.”
“I am comfortable with myself and comfortable with the men & women in my life”
“I am willing to make the positive changes that help myself and others to move forward”

3rd Chakra MANIPURA

The Solar Plexus Chakra. “I am”

Helps to connect to ones Power and Self Esteem. May assist in problems relating to the digestion and overall physical strength

“I am a Divine and powerful Being.”
“I am free to be me”
“I integrate life situations with ease and harmony”

4th Chakra ANAHATA

The Heart Chakra. “I Love”

Helps to connect to Love and Compassion in all types of relationship. May assist in problems relating to the Thymus gland and Chest

“I give and receive love unconditionally”
“I am compassionate and loving to all and all are compassionate and loving towards me”
“The Love within me is Divine and used for the highest good of all”

5th Chakra VISHUDDHI

The Throat Chakra “I Express”

Helps in problems relating to Expression & Communication. To attune to ones intuition and access the Akashic records.

May assist in problems relating to the Thyroid and Throat

“I receive and deliver information clearly”
“I express myself appropriately at all times”
“I am attuned to Divine grace and guidance”

6th Chakra AJNA

The Third Eye Center “I am Divine spiritual awareness”

Helps in connecting to higher communication channels and clairvoyance abilities. May assist in problems relating to the Pineal gland and eyes.

“I am intuitive”
“I am divinely conscious and aware”
“My divine intelligence is used for the good of all”

7th Chakra SAHASRARA

The Crown Center. “I am cosmic consciousness”

Helps to attune to higher wisdom, assists in problems related to the Pituitary gland and head.

“The Love and wisdom within me produces all that is right in my life”
“I am at one with the universal energy and divine light”
“I am attuned to divine wisdom”

8th Chakra CHEMPAKA

Beyond Crown

Only to be used when all Chakras are in harmony to connect with your personal guide and soul travel.

This Essence heightens the frequency of any essence.
Can be used to clean essences/crystals energetically if necessary.

Suggested Usage for Chakra Flower Essences

Use Morning and Night for 2 weeks or when needed.

Use in conjunction with Chakra Affirmations if you wish.

To buy Chakra Essences please contact Margo Spencer via email: