Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

hair analysisFind out what's wrong with you: T.M.A. is screening your hair for 40 elements, 26 nutrients etc. and 14 toxic elements.

Hair tissue mineral analysis is unique in that it inexpensively provides information directly about cellular activity, which is the main site of nutritional metabolism. As important as vitamins are, they can do nothing for the body without proper mineral intake. Vitamins cannot function and are unable to be assimilated without the aid of minerals. Though the body can synthesize some vitamins, it cannot manufacture a single mineral.

What is Tissue Mineral Analysis (Hair Analysis)?

Find out if you have toxic elements like Antimony, Aluminum, Arsenic, Beryllium, Cadmium, Lead, Nickel, Mercury, Strontium, Thallium, Tin and others in you system.

T.M.A. Hair Analysis is a valid method of screening ,which measures the mineral content and heavy metal (toxicity) of the body’s tissue. If a mineral deficiency or toxicity excess exists in the hair, it usually indicates deficiencies or excesses within the body.

Hair is used as one of the tissues of choice by the US Environmental Protection agency in determining toxic metal exposure with the following summary: “The milk, urine, salvia and sweat measure the component that is absorbed or excreted. The blood measures the component absorbed and temporarily in circulation before excretion and/ or storage. The hair , nails and teeth are tissues in which trace minerals are sequestered and/or stored.

Since the structure of hair remains unchanged, the minerals are fixed in the hair. The levels in hair are not subject to change once that portion of hair has grown, so the analysis accurately provides concentrations of minerals that have accumulated in the hair tissue over the hair growth period, approximately the last 3 months.

Mineral content of the hair reflects the mineral content of the body’s tissues. Human head hair is a recording filament that can reflect metabolic changes of many elements over long periods of time and therefore can furnish a print out of post nutritional events.

In most cases, identification of the deficiency or excess can be corrected by diet changes, work practice changes, or by supplementation appropriate for your requirements.

Common causes of mineral imbalance or deficiency

Improper diet, excessive intake of refined carbohydrates or sugars, strict vegetarian diet, other exclusive diet, work conditions (toxic elements), medication, stress, taking supplements, vitamins, minerals not compatible with your body chemistry, birth control pills can all cause mineral imbalance or deficiency.

Even if you are not experiencing a problem, abnormal changes in body chemistry and nutritional deficiencies may result in early, subtle changes in your body such as weight gain (metabolism), white spots in fingernails (can indicate a possible zinc deficiency), longitudinal ridging in nails (can indicate a iron deficiency), brittle fingernails, toenails and hair (possible calcium, silica and or copper imbalance), stretch marks (possible zinc deficiency), poor food taste (zinc deficiency).

All of the above indicators and many more are generally signs of metabolic disturbances that can be detected in early tissue mineral analysis.

Toxic elements

From adolescence through adulthood the average person is continually exposed to a variety of toxic metal sources through contamination from soil and foods, the environment, and topical application such as hair dyes, paint, ingestion from burnt fuels (lead), cigarette smoke (cadmium), hydrogenated oils (nickel), antiperspirants, soft drink and beer cans (aluminium), dental amalgams (mercury and cadmium), copper and aluminium cookware, insect repellent, water, work environment and industrial exposure. These are just some of the sources which can contribute to toxic metal exposure.

If you are exposed to a hazardous / toxic substance several factors will determine whether harmful effects will occur and what the type and severity of those health effects will be.

Factors include the dose, duration, the route or pathway by which you are exposed(breathing, eating, drinking or skin contact), the other chemicals to which you are exposed, and your individual characteristics such as age, sex, nutritional status, family traits, lifestyle and state of health.

How is your hair analysed?

Once your sample has arrived it is weighed and trimmed, then digested in a specific reagent to break down the hair structure. The sample is then aspirated into a highly sophisticated scientific instrument (Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometer).

An informative thirty page report is forwarded to you or to the practitioner in an easy to read graph style format showing various levels of nutrient or toxin imbalance in parts per million (PPM). This will show how your value relates to the normal or ideal reference range.

What elements exactly does the test show?

Nutrient and other elements include:

  1. Bismuth
  2. Boron
  3. Calcium
  4. Cobalt
  5. Copper
  6. Chromium
  7. Germanium
  8. Gold
  9. Iodine
  10. Iron
  11. Lithium
  12. Magnesium
  13. Manganese
  14. Molybdenum
  15. Phosphorus
  16. Platinum
  17. Potassium
  18. Rubidium
  19. Selenium
  20. Sodium
  21. Sulphur
  22. Silicon
  23. Tin
  24. Titanium
  25. Vanadium
  26. Zinc

Toxic Elements include:

  1. Antimony
  2. Aluminium
  3. Arsenic
  4. Barium
  5. Beryllium
  6. Cadmium
  7. Lead
  8. Nickel
  9. Mercury
  10. Silver
  11. Strontium
  12. Thallium
  13. Tungsten
  14. Uranium

Get the "Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis".

Water Analysis

The single most important substance on earth is water. Water plays a crucial role in transporting essential nutrients in plants and animals. Over half of your body is made up of water. It's in every cell and very tissue.

Biological processes like circulation, digestion, absorption and excretion depend on water. It forms the foundation of blood and lymph, maintains healthy muscles and young looking skin, lubricates joints and organs and regulates body temperature. You cannot function without it.

As you grow older it becomes vital to pay attention to your water consumption and water quality.

Knowledge of water quality is essential for wise economic management of primary production land, control of corrosion in pumping and storage equipment, as well as for the health and wellbeing of livestock and humans.

As the old adage of 'you are what you eat' refers to your diet it can also apply to your water. Not only the water your drink, but also the water you shower in, cook in and wash your clothes.

A typical safe analytical laboratories report consist of:

  1. Acidity(ph)
  2. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
  3. Conductivity
  4. Total Hardness
  5. Fluoride Level
  6. Saturation Index
  7. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
  8. Ammonium (NH4+)
  9. Calcium (CA2+)
  10. Magnesium (MG2+)
  11. Potassium (K+)
  12. Sodium (NA+)
  13. Phosphates (PO43-
  14. Nitrates (NO3-)
  15. Chlorides (CL-)
  16. Sulphates (SO42-)
  17. Carbonates (CO32-)

Trace elements:

  1. Aluminium
  2. Boron
  3. Cobalt
  4. Cop-per
  5. Chromium
  6. Iodine
  7. Iron
  8. Manganese
  9. Molybdenum
  10. Selenium
  11. Silicon
  12. Tin
  13. Vanadium
  14. Zinc

Toxic elements:

  1. Antimony
  2. Arsenic
  3. Barium
  4. Beryllium
  5. Bismuth
  6. Cadmium
  7. Germanium
  8. Gold
  9. Lead
  10. Lithium
  11. Nickel
  12. Mercury
  13. Platinum
  14. Rubidium
  15. Silver
  16. Strontium
  17. Thallium
  18. Tungsten
  19. Titanium
  20. Uranium

The levels of the measured parameters will be presented as parts per million in an easy to read graph style format. All samples are analysed to the National Medical Research Council standards for Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (NHMRC).

Contact us if you are interested in the Wate Analysis in Australia.