Shell Essences

Shell Essences are natural remedies similar to homoeopathy, and made in the time-honoured method of most flower essences, pioneered by Dr. Edward Bach of the Bach Flower Remedies.

Vibrational essences use life-force energy found in nature to stimulate a healing response in the body.

Shell Essences are spiritual healing remedies. They understand the complexity of our energy bodies, they access our cellular memory to stimulate our natural self-healing ability, re-balance negative emotional states, and create fulfilling lives.

Shell Essences are high spiritual multidimensional energies. They understand the complexity of our subtle anatomy, and help us regain the ability to self-heal, re-balance negative emotional states and create fulfilling lives.

No shell is crushed nor live creature harmed to make the remedies.

The Shell Essences

* Cockle Shell Essence: Helps restore energy to the feminine aspect within humanity. Heals and balances the wounded feminine aspect within humans and animals. A female energy, but not only for women. Includes some moon energy.Shell Essences
For Feng Shui Land Healing: Healing the scars of the land. Past traumas that the land has suffered have left their mark on the land, and this essence heals these scars.

* Pheasant Shell: Is a essence of unconditional self-love. When you are feeling down, and being harsh with yourself, it's hard to be pleased with anything in your life. This essence uplifts, and creates a perfect feeling of self-gratitude and happiness.

* Jingle Shell: You may need Jingle Shell if you are having attacks of jealousy at work, perhaps relating to promotion or just acceptance. It may help you achieve a feeling of self-worth so that you value your own achievements. It's also useful for those who bring a lot of attention to themselves in a job or a family, and therefore make others jealous.

* Paua Shell: Some people don't usually have a problem with jealousy, unless they are faced with an old issue from childhood where their needs were not met. They may then exhibit anger and hurt pride, which could be mistaken for jealousy.shells

* Stromb Canarium: Higher spiritual knowing to protect those trying to evolve, but who are still using old pathway messages of self-suffering and hate.

* Strombus Fasciatus: Helps one remember that the pure simple essence of Spirit is Love, Light and Laughter. One can be spiritual without being uptight. Balances and calms aura.

* Sydney Turbo Shell: Harmony in a new culture or environment. Calms doubts and fears of racial tension. A sense of integration when there is isolation and aloneness.

* Syrinx Aruanus: A powerful spiritual healer. Heightens group awareness to bring about harmony.

* Tent Venus Shell: Balances polarity. Rebalances relationships in regards to an "affair". Clears negative cordings (manipulative energy links between people).

* Tiger Cowrie: Clears subtle- body energy overlaps, both present (surrogations) and past life. Reharmonizes genetic influences.

* Yellow Sand Snail: Astrology personality clashes and energy slumps. Relationship difficulties and scattered thinking.

* Windowpane Oyster: Softens criticism of self and others.

* False Ear Shell: Accepting, sharing and blending of ideas. Excellent in a group situation. For sense of loss -maybe loss of glamour, respectability, or loss of self-respect in business.

* Fluted Giant Clam: Stress of aging. Helps reduce the appearance of emotional stress lines on the skin. Resets the meridian time clock if there are time perception difficulties.

* Humped Conch: "I hear, I heal". For people who put much value on verbal representation but feel inadequate. For appropriate expression of feelings.

* Lettered Cone: Belief in one's own inner goodness and knowledge. To receive the right messages, psychic or otherwise. Realigns positive astrological sun sign. For scattered thinking.

* Limpet: Strong attitudes that annihilate others. New values, more laughter, more love and more tolerance.

* Little Whelks: Children's happiness essence for the inner child of all ages; promotes feelings of youthfulness, joyfulness, and peacefulness.

* Murex: helps bring in wisdom and warmth when there are family worries and unmanageable stress. Unbalanced mothering.

* Necklace Nerite: Re-create sexuality in a more self-loving way. Removes entities when there are breaks in lower chakras.

* Pipi: Seeing self as perfect within an imperfect form or relationship. For loss and grief. Increases clairvoyant ability.

* Rainbow Delight: Light and love for those with fear due to difficult astrology. Helps day to day fears dissolve in Light, and replaces them with laughter.

* Robins Cowrie: Balance for the male/female essence type in the male or female form. Positive femininity and masculinity. Softens a hardened female psyche.

* Sand Dollar: To speak from the heart and not from the mind. Emotional coldness, detachment and callousness. For courage, compassion, understanding and sincerity.

* Scallop: Equalizer to help people balance their God within their own individuality. A very spiritual essence. Calms repetitive thinking and fearful behaviour.

* Spenglers Triton: Faith and certainty in oneself for those who use false persona to hide pain and fear from self and others.

Dosage of Shell Essences

Shell Essences can be taken by anyone. They can be used in conjunction with, and to compliment, any other form of medicine. Since shell essences work on a higher vibrational frequency they will not interfere with other forms of treatment. Animals and plants will also benefit greatly. No harm comes from choosing the wrong remedy as it will cancel itself out if not needed.

The dosage can be between 4 and 8 drops. Best to follow your intuition.

The length of time taken to see a shift from negative to positive depends on many factors including the period of time one has remained in the negative state and the sensitivity of the person. Therefore adults should take their chosen selection for 6 to 8 weeks, (for long standing problems), and then review to see which essences have worked, or if any new states have appeared, which may have been underlying, and continue to treat these.